Weekend Links – mooSlide, Spam-Proof Email Links, JSMiner, MooScroll, Twitter

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mooSlide Revamp for MooTools 1.2

mooSlide is a customizable MooTools-based slider that pops into the page whenever and wherever you'd like. Potentially very useful -- just make sure you aren't covering a bunch of content up (like the demo).


Spam-Proof Email Links

MooTools core developer Michelle Steigewalt describes how she uses MooTools to prevent spambots from collecting emails from a website. Of course we all do this in one way or another -- is this better than your method?



Us programmers love games that make us think, like Minesweeper. JSMiner is a great translation to a web version. Kudos to this person -- seems like a loftly goal but they succeeded.



MooScroll is an awesome class that allows you to create and style your own scrollbars. These scollbars can be used within any element on the page.


9 Web Developers That Must Be Followed on Twitter

I've heard of all of the these people which made the list disappointing. I also don't know why you'd follow their Twitter profile instead of their website. Chris Coyier of CSS-Tricks made the list, which is cool. Look forward to seeing me on their next list: 9 MooTools Bloggers (All of Them).


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    Instagram For MooTools

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  1. Awesome!

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!