Weekend Links – Lightbox Matrix, Performance Best Practices, Processing.js, Adsense Testing, Multibox

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The Lightbox Clones Matrix

If you're in the market for a lightbox but don't know which lightbox has been created for your library, let this be your guide. This site provides checkboxes to customize your search. Awesome!


Yahoo! Releases New Performance Best Practices

There are a lot of performance tests I'd like to do but simply don't have the time. Luckily, Yahoo! does them for me. Some of these are pretty obvious but others may not be.



When some people say they are to release a project, you know they're going to drop something cool. John Resig is one of those people. Processing.js is a JavaScript visualization tool. Hard to explain, but if you check out the examples, you'll be amazed.


Adsense Split Testing Results for 250x250 vs. 300x250

The size and placement of your advertisements is crucial when really pushing for ad revenue. Mark Sanborn shares his experience.



Multibox is a lightbox built for MooTools programmers. It displays HTML, videos, images...it's amazing! I'll be using this for personal projects from this point forward.


Recent Features

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    Responsive and Infinitely Scalable JS Animations

    Back in late 2012 it was not easy to find open source projects using requestAnimationFrame() - this is the hook that allows Javascript code to synchronize with a web browser's native paint loop. Animations using this method can run at 60 fps and deliver fantastic...

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    Send Text Messages with PHP

    Kids these days, I tell ya.  All they care about is the technology.  The video games.  The bottled water.  Oh, and the texting, always the texting.  Back in my day, all we had was...OK, I had all of these things too.  But I still don't get...

Incredible Demos

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    MooTools 1.2 OpenLinks Plugin

    I often incorporate tools into my customers' websites that allow them to have some control over the content on their website. When doing so, I offer some tips to my clients to help them keep their website in good shape. One of the tips...

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    CSS Vertical Centering

    Front-end developing is beautiful, and it's getting prettier by the day. Nowadays we got so many concepts, methodologies, good practices and whatnot to make our work stand out from the rest. Javascript (along with its countless third party libraries) and CSS have grown so big, helping...


  1. Multibox looks awesome! Thanks for that.

  2. alphonse

    I was looking around as to how i can just pass a link to a page:

    example : http://www.mywebsite.com/?play=mymove.mp4

    And on that page, automatically play the movie using multibox.. any ideas? it would surely be appreciated..


  3. I want to start my own blog too, what blog platform do you use, where i can download it ?

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!