JavaScript Coding with Class

By  on  
London Ajax

I've spent the last two weeks in London, eating fish'n'chips, drinking cup'o'tea, and being a hooligan at the Arsenal. Oh yeah, there was a MooTools hackathon too. The MooTools hackathon was hugely successful and I'll be providing more detail about what was accomplished and where MooTools is going over the coming weeks. It was also great to meet some of the development team in person instead of simple IRC. MooTools FTW!

Another exciting part of my time in London was presenting at London Ajax. My presentation was called "JavaScript Coding with Class", preaching the values of class-based JavaScript frameworks like MooTools and Dojo. I kept the talk high-level but I'm confident I got my point across, showing the value of class structures.

This was my first time presenting this deck, so let me know if you see room for improvement (outside of the billion "um's" I used.)

Due to popular request, my slides have been embedded above.

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  1. There was one question I wanted to ask you on Tuesday: Do you think JavaScript is ever going to get proper built-in class support? What is is the likelihood of that? What is preventing this from happening?

    • I doubt it — it takes forever to get official changes to the ECMAScript standard, and Google seems intent on killing JavaScript.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!