Install NPM from Command Line
I was trying to update my version of NPM using NPM but long story short, a permissions issue allowed NPM to be removed but not re-installed, and thus I was hosed -- NPM was nowhere to be found on "Walshbook Pro." Eeeek. Well, you can install NPM via command line with this command:
curl | sh
Life without NPM is no life worth living at all. AT ALL! Keep this handy in case you do something stupid like me!
![Responsive Images: The Ultimate Guide]()
Chances are that any Web designers using our Ghostlab browser testing app, which allows seamless testing across all devices simultaneously, will have worked with responsive design in some shape or form. And as today's websites and devices become ever more varied, a plethora of responsive images...
![Vibration API]()
Many of the new APIs provided to us by browser vendors are more targeted toward the mobile user than the desktop user. One of those simple APIs the Vibration API. The Vibration API allows developers to direct the device, using JavaScript, to vibrate in...
![Dynamic Waveform Visualizations with wavesurfer.js]()
Waveform images are an awesome addition to boring audio widgets. They can be functional as well as aesthetically pleasing, allowing users to navigate audio visually. I recently found wavesurfer.js, an amazing waveform image utility that uses to Web Audio API to create super customizable...
![HTML5 Datalist]()
One of the most used JavaScript widgets over the past decade has been the text box autocomplete widget. Every JavaScript framework has their own autocomplete widget and many of them have become quite advanced. Much like the placeholder attribute's introduction to markup, a frequently used...
If you use Debian you can just install it with
Installing npm with sudo can later cause problems with permissions for some packages (for me it was yeoman)
If you’ve installed node via Homebrew, there was an issue where you could’t update NPM itself if you installed it via Homebrew Node. This is fixed in latest version Homebrew Node package, so you can delete Node and install it again.
I think using NVM is better than anything else:
Piping curl to sh? Eeesshh…
If you can trust installing a binary from a website, why can’t you trust running a script?