Get Python Requirements Package Hashes

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Python's (pip's) requirements.txt file is the equivalent to package.json in the JavaScript / Node.js world.  This requirements.txt file isn't as pretty as package.json but it not only defines a version but goes a step further, providing a sha hash to compare against to ensure package integrity:

Flask==0.12.1 \
Jinja2==2.9.6 \
MarkupSafe==1.0 \


Coming from the JavaScript / package.json world, you only need to provide the package name and version.  To get the hash of a python package, you can use hashin.  The first step is installing hashin:

pip install hashin

Once hashin is installed, you can get the package hash easily:

hashin Flask==0.12.1

The code above adds the package name, version, and available hashes to your requirements.txt file automatically.  Unfortunately I'm not aware of a method for recursive hashin checks, so if a package dependency doesn't use hashes, you'll need to run hashin for each of those packages manually.

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  1. I think in your second snippet you mean hashin Flask==0.12.1.

    Also, hashin works by just specifying the package name. It’ll then install the latest version. E.g. hashin Flask.

  2. Check out for getting both recursive checks and hashes.

  3. F Fouvry

    pip-compile (from pip-tools) can generate hashes in a requirements file, using the option --generate-hashes.

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