Recent Features
Create a Sheen Logo Effect with CSS
I was inspired when I first saw Addy Osmani's original ShineTime blog post. The hover sheen effect is simple but awesome. When I started my blog redesign, I really wanted to use a sheen effect with my logo. Using two HTML elements and...
Camera and Video Control with HTML5
Client-side APIs on mobile and desktop devices are quickly providing the same APIs. Of course our mobile devices got access to some of these APIs first, but those APIs are slowly making their way to the desktop. One of those APIs is the getUserMedia API...
Incredible Demos
Fancy FAQs with MooTools Sliders: Version 2
A little over a year ago I authored a post titled Fancy FAQs with MooTools Sliders. My post detailed a method of taking boring FAQs and making them more robust using the world's best JavaScript framework: MooTools. I've taken some time to...
Basic AJAX Requests Using MooTools 1.2
AJAX has become a huge part of the modern web and that wont change in the foreseeable future. MooTools has made AJAX so simple that a rookie developer can get their dynamic pages working in no time. Step 1: The XHTML Here we define two links...