Firefox OS Source Leaked!!!

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Firefox OS

The complete, commented source code for Mozilla's new Firefox OS effort has been leaked!!  In what can only be a massive oversight on Mozilla's part, the holy trinity of Firefox OS (codenamed Boot2Gecko), Gonk (the Linux kernel), Gecko (the renderer), and Gaia (the HTML5 / CSS / JavaScript) have been posted on GitHub via Mozilla's top secret B2G account, along with several other vital code components for Firefox OS.  Be sure to go grab the source code as quickly as possible before Mozilla recognizes their mistake!  Go, quickly!

This is an April Fools joke. Firefox OS has been open source from day one!

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  1. Happy April David!

  2. Clever! You had me for a few moments there…

  3. That’s a Geek April Fool :D

  4. Chandan Kumar

    A great April Fool :D

  5. Chandan Kumar

    A Great April Fool Day to all :-)

  6. ameseno

    OMG! Thanks for telling! I most hurry and grab it XD… wait I’m not a mobile factory nor a divolapar, just a FFOS fan :x

  7. Kenny Landes

    Too obvious for today. A press release from Mozilla announcing its release might have been more convincing…maybe…but not today. ;)

  8. LOL Happy April Fool to you David xD

  9. oops, nice joke :)

  10. Very clever, i almost believed! :)

  11. Pluto

    Lol well this is late, but I was Googling Firefox OS related-stuff and saw this headline. I clicked it only to begin making fun of whoever wrote this for stupidity, but clearly you knew what you were talking about the whole time :DD

  12. Anonymous

    I was looking for the source. Googled it and came here. Great informative post and thanks for the link :-)

  13. Really ppl…Firefox OS, like all Mozilla products, is open source. lol. [not directed to the author, who obviously knew this]. Thanks for the link though.

  14. As a Open Source fan i cant wait to grab it. Thanks for sharing!

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