Creating Advanced XHTML Email Links: Include Subject, CC, BCC, and Email Body

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Creating email links is a piece of cake, right? It's as simple as:

<a href="">Email Oasis</a>

Everyone knows this. Did you know, however, that you can include subject, CC, BCC, and email body text information in the link as well? Using a querystring-like syntax, you can do more with that simple link.

<a href="">Email Oasis</a>

<!-- add the subject -->
<a href=" Next Show">Email Oasis</a>

<!-- add the cc's and bcc's -->
<a href=" Next Show&">Email Oasis</a>

<!-- add some default body text -->
<a href=" Next Show& can't wait for the next show!">Email Oasis</a>

Remember that simply placing email addresses on a page without encoding them first is like simply emailing spammers your email address. Encode your email addresses!

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  1. Your post here saved me some time at work, so thanks. I can just never remember if its PHP or URL encoding that is choosy about how CC is written (cc, CC, or Cc).

  2. garrobo


    I need help on getting a comment system like the one I’m writing on, my question to you is how to get it to my website is there a code that I need to download or do I need to purchase it let me know
    I’m in love with it. thanks

  3. I’d like to thank you, for this tutorial, as a newbie in xhtml, its a lot of thing i never know before, thanks for this ‘mailing’ tutorial. Im sorry for this bad english

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!