Weekend Links – Firefox 3, SWFHttpRequest Flash / AJAX Utility, Netscape Dead, Php.js, JavaScript Libraries Comparison

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5 Things You'll Love About Firefox 3

Firefox 3 is going to be great -- I can hardly wait. As long as they fix all of the memory issues, I'll steer all of my customers toward the 'fox.


SWFHttpRequest Flash / AJAX Utility

An implementation of the XMLHttpRequest browser functionality -- awesome!


AOL To Discontinue Netscape Browser Development

One of the first on the web dies off. Sad, but Mozilla has taken its place.


PHP to JavaScript Project - php.js

Duplicating PHP functionality in a JavaScript file -- interesting.


Javascript Libraries By Comparison

A good chart specifying what each framework does and does not offer.


Recent Features

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Incredible Demos


  1. Hey, thanks for the shoutout – glad you like SWFHttpRequest! Lemme know if I can answer any questions, or if you end up using it to make something cool. Cheers!

  2. dragmire from dzone

    Hey, you might want to add a URL shortener or something. Looks like the first link kind of overflows!

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!