301 Redirect with Express

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If you've created a site using Node.js, there's a great chance you've used the Express framework.  Express has turned into a massive project and for good reason:  it's loaded with useful functionality, an easy API, and massive community support.  On of my recent projects was using Express and I loved it!

One problem I recently needed to solve was creating a 301 redirect from an old staging domain to the new production domain.  Here's how you can create that 301 redirect with Express:

app.use(function forceLiveDomain(req, res, next) {
  // Don't allow user to hit Heroku now that we have a domain
  var host = req.get('Host');
  if (host === 'serviceworker-cookbook.herokuapp.com') {
    return res.redirect(301, 'https://serviceworke.rs/' + req.originalUrl);
  return next();

Surprisingly the redirect code is the first argument to redirect instead of the URL.  It's important to call next() at the end of the function or a non-match will make your app hang!

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  1. Great code snippet and saved me a ton of time. Thanks!

  2. Joe

    You shouldn’t have the trailing slash after serviceworke.rs. I.e. instead of this:

    res.redirect(301, 'https://serviceworke.rs/' + req.originalUrl);

    It should be this:

    res.redirect(301, 'https://serviceworke.rs' + req.originalUrl);

    Otherwise it redirects to:


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