Drag and Drop Z-Index Stacking

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MooTools Drag Opacity

In an example for a previous post, I showed you how to use opacity during a drag'n'drop transaction. One bit I didn't account for was element stacking and bringing the most recent element to the top of the stack. To do so, we'll need to use a variable that represents the highest zIndex, which we'll be incrementing.

The MooTools JavaScript

window.addEvent('domready',function() {
	var zIndex = 2;
	$$('.draggable').each(function(el) {
		var drag = new Drag.Move(el,{
			grid: false,
			preventDefault: true,
			onStart: function() {
				el.setStyle('z-index',zIndex++); //increment!

As you probably expected, the process is as simple as it gets. Correct stacking order is incredibly important as you don't want items to be wrongly buried.

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  1. I believe z++ should actually be zIndex++ … or you get fail ;)

  2. This Friday’s dumbass mistake brought to you by…lack of sleep.

  3. Nice idea, although it does not seem to work for me (tested in Chrome/Windows).

    Either way, I think you should do pre-increment instead of post-increment, to assign the incremented value to the element: el.setStyle('z-index', ++zIndex). That way you wont need to start the variable in 2 :)

  4. Is it just me or did your original referenced topic use z-index stacking as well?

  5. Have a look at the footer on my homepage. I have incorporated dragging functions with jquery for the 4 items. I had hover z-index replace at one point but removed it because it was not realistic with solid gears :) THX

  6. @Brian Klepper: I meant 6 items.. :0

  7. daniele

    hi dav, is it possible to write draggable events into a db?

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