Recent Features
Create Namespaced Classes with MooTools
MooTools has always gotten a bit of grief for not inherently using and standardizing namespaced-based JavaScript classes like the Dojo Toolkit does. Many developers create their classes as globals which is generally frowned up. I mostly disagree with that stance, but each to their own. In any event...
CSS Animations Between Media Queries
CSS animations are right up there with sliced bread. CSS animations are efficient because they can be hardware accelerated, they require no JavaScript overhead, and they are composed of very little CSS code. Quite often we add CSS transforms to elements via CSS during...
Incredible Demos
Create WordPress Page Templates with Custom Queries
One of my main goals with the redesign was to make it easier for visitors to find the information that was most popular on my site. Not to my surprise, posts about MooTools, jQuery, and CSS were at the top of the list. What...
Multiple Background CSS Animations
CSS background animation has been a hot topic for a long time, mostly because they look pretty sweet and don't require additional elements. I was recently asked if it was possible to have multiple background animations on a given element and the answer is yes...with...