How to Block a Range of IP Addresses

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As much as content creators want traffic to their website, there is such thing as the wrong type of traffic. Sometimes it's content scrapers, sometimes it's malicious bots; either way, it's important to know how to block problematic IPs from your site.

To block a range of IP addresses using an .htaccess file, you can use the * wildcard for pieces of the IP address:

Order Allow,Deny
Deny from 219.198.*.*
Allow from all

You can also use a regular expression:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^219\.198\.\.
RewriteRule ^ - [F]

Don't let known attackers and problematic bots bring your website to a halt! Be quick to check your site logs and ban addresses that are causing havoc!

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  1. Jose Cerrejon

    Who is using Apache today? Just kidding. Do you know how to achieve the same using Nginx? Thanks in advance.

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