Learn More, Faster with Treehouse

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My sponsor, Treehouse, has mastered teaching complex development concepts and techniques using the visual media; something not easy to do, and neither is learning anew technology from scratch without proper guidance.  Tutorials are nice but oftentimes make assumptions about current knowledge and don't tend to keep the reader's attention.  Treehouse's videos are concise but provide enough detail to get eager developers up and moving quickly.  Treehouse is giving my readers one month free to see what I mean, so go ahead and give them a try.

To see the style of video they provide, here are a few Quick Tip videos from their awesome YouTube page!

Getting Started with Android Development

Exercise Your Creative

How to Achieve Pixel Hinting Perfection in Photoshop

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Incredible Demos


  1. Well never thought that learning android development would be that easy. The interactive guides are easy to follow and they are meant for the novice developer. Thanks for sharing.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!