PHP Advent 2011: Cross-Origin Ajax with CORS

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Cross-Origin Ajax with CORS

I've had the honor of writing for this year's PHP Advent, blessing you all about Cross-Origin Requests with CORS:

There's no doubt that Ajax is one of the most exciting, useful, and necessary web technologies available to front-end developers. Unfortunately, it's also one of the most restrictive — especially when it comes to gathering content from other domains. Web developers are nothing if not persistent, so we've come up with a variety of ways to get around cross-origin restrictions, including JSONP, server-side proxies made with PHP, ProxyPass proxying, Flash transports, creative iFrame uses, and more. What many developers don't know is that there's a W3C specification called Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, or CORS, which provides a standard for cross-origin Ajax requests with minimal hassle.

That's my Christmas gift to you all!

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  1. Eric

    The link to your post isn’t working ;) Nice article BTW, but 10 seconds too late! I just figured out that this should solve my problem with the help of our friend Google :( Nice to read that this is the way things will work for sure.

  2. Alex

    Hi David, can this this hide the httprequest referrer??

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!