I Want You II

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Yep, looking for you again!

I'd like to announce that I'm looking for guest bloggers. Have a code tidbit that you think others may want to use? Have a wacky theory and simply need a place to be heard? If so, I want you!

Here's what you should do: email me at david@davidwalsh.name with a quick summary and some sample code (if applicable). If I think your idea is well thought-out and your code works, I'll post your article on my website! What are the benefits? Well, for starters:

  • You will get name recognition for your idea, including a full article, a head shot, a quick bio, and a link to your website / blog.
  • You'll get the benefit of being heralded as a saint or skewered as a heretic for your idea.
  • You'll get feedback from my audience and myself.

The topic can be anything of your choosing within the programming genre. My audience tends to give the following subjects more attention: CSS, AJAX/MooTools, PHP, and Usability. Again though, I encourage any topic you consider yourself an expert on. I would prefer original content, but posts from your blog would also be accepted.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Note: There isn't a monetary reward for your post.

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    Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!