Recent Features
JavaScript Promise API
While synchronous code is easier to follow and debug, async is generally better for performance and flexibility. Why "hold up the show" when you can trigger numerous requests at once and then handle them when each is ready? Promises are becoming a big part of the JavaScript world...
5 HTML5 APIs You Didn’t Know Existed
When you say or read "HTML5", you half expect exotic dancers and unicorns to walk into the room to the tune of "I'm Sexy and I Know It." Can you blame us though? We watched the fundamental APIs stagnate for so long that a basic feature...
Incredible Demos
Form Element AJAX Spinner Attachment Using jQuery
Yesterday I showed you how to attach an AJAX spinner next to a form element using my beloved MooTools. Today I'll show you how to implement that same functionality using jQuery. The XHTML Elements with the "ajax" CSS class will be our target. The jQuery JavaScript We inject...
Introducing LazyLoad 2.0
While improvements in browsers means more cool APIs for us to play with, it also means we need to maintain existing code. With Firefox 4's release came news that my MooTools LazyLoad plugin was not intercepting image loading -- the images were loading regardless of...