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Facebook Open Graph META Tags
It's no secret that Facebook has become a major traffic driver for all types of websites. Nowadays even large corporations steer consumers toward their Facebook pages instead of the corporate websites directly. And of course there are Facebook "Like" and "Recommend" widgets on every website. One...
6 Things You Didn’t Know About Firefox OS
Firefox OS is all over the tech news and for good reason: Mozilla's finally given web developers the platform that they need to create apps the way they've been creating them for years -- with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Firefox OS has been rapidly improving...
Incredible Demos
Create a Dojo-Powered WordPress Website View
Yesterday I showed you WordPress' awesome JSON plugin named JSON API. Now that I can get my blog posts in JSON format, it's time to create an awesome AJAX'ed web app with that data. I've chosen to use the power of Dojo and Dijit to...
Create a Simple Slideshow Using MooTools
One excellent way to add dynamism to any website is to implement a slideshow featuring images or sliding content. Of course there are numerous slideshow plugins available but many of them can be overkill if you want to do simple slideshow without controls or events.