Serve SVG as an Image on Apache with .htaccess

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I've been a massive fan of SVG since my days creating charts and animations with the Dojo Toolkit.  SVG has been around forever, it even has IE support now, and it's ultra-flexible.  When creating this site's redesign, I used SVG within an IMG tag and it work great locally.  When I pushed to the live server, however, the image displayed as broken and I saw the following notice in the console:

Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/xml: "".

That was certainly unexpected.  Obviously there was a difference in my local server and my production server, so after a bit of research, I found that the following .htaccess update would resolve the issue:

AddType image/svg+xml svg svgz
AddEncoding gzip svgz

Serving SVG as XML, what it essentially is, really isn't of use to me -- I want to use it in its visual glory.  Keep this snippet handy in case you also run into this issue!

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  1. Nice, I always missed that one. But isn’t it better to user dots before the file endings? In the original documentation for AddType the example says so.

    AddType image/svg+xml .svg .svgz
  2. With which MIME type will it be transferred after adding this configuration?

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