Multiple Homepages in Mozilla Firefox

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With all of the websites I frequent at work, I'm always opening the same tabs over and over when I get on the clock. Annoying to say the least. You can imagine my joy when I figured out how to have multiple homepages in Firefox.

The Execution

Step 1: Fire up Firefox.

Step 2: In the main menu, go to Tools -> Options

Step 3: In the Startup tab, enter your desired homepage URLs separated by pipes in the "Homepage" box.

The only downside to using the multiple homepage system is that every hompage opens when you click the "Home" button.

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  1. speps

    Or open the tabs you want as starting pages and press “Use Current Pages” in the Options.

  2. Or use Opera. It has support for 9 sites on speed dial (little thumbnails of the site for your homepage).

  3. I’ve never been high on Opera. The UI has always been a major turnoff for me. And I now depend on my Firefox plugins for development.

  4. Adam

    To open a blank tab, add a pipe after the last url.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!