Dev Stickers from Sticker Mule

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One of my favorite parts of going to any tech event is getting schwag.  What can I say?  I like to represent the organizations and groups I believe in, whether it be via clothing, stickers, or gadgets.  Going to any of the Mozilla offices is like Christmas -- schwag galore!  On the sad sign, I don't have any schwag for this blog.  Chris Coyier has awesome CSS-Tricks gear but to this point, all I have are USB drives.  No longer!  Sticker Mule got in touch with me and offered to make me some David Walsh Blog stickers.  How could I say no?!

David Walsh Stickers

I shot Sticker Mule my logo in vector format and a few days later these bad boys showed up at my door.  Image quality is epic, the sticker is cut perfectly, and I couldn't be happier with them.  Top notch work and I'm proud to rock them on my MacBook Pro, iPad, and iPhone.

Next time you see me at a conference and want a sticker, be sure to stop me and ask for one!  Massive, massive thanks to Sticker Mule for their high quality work.  I simply sent the logo and three days later they were on my doorstep.  In all honesty, they exceeded my expectations and their product was higher quality than I had expected!

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  1. Wow, excellent, i want one!!

  2. i also want one .

  3. Very cool. Then again, I’m biased.

  4. charles

    now only if I could get to a conference that you would be at so i could get one to rock on my laptop, or can you be persuaded with $ to mail one out?

  5. Man if you made this a week ago, i would have asked my friend to get some from you are MozFest

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