Remove Broken Images Using Dojo

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In an effort to get better with the Dojo Toolkit, I've decided to port yet another one of my previous posts: Remove Broken Images Using MooTools or jQuery. Broken images are an eyesore to any website so there's no point to keeping them in the page. Here's how you can remove them on the client side.

The Dojo JavaScript

dojo.ready(function() {
		dojo.connect(img,'onerror',function() {

Just as simple as jQuery and MooTools -- just a different syntax!

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  1. Some streamlining of your methods:

    dojo.query('img').connect('onerror', function() { dojo.destroy(this); });

    Nice site by the way :) Keep up the Dojo posts :)

  2. @Karl Tiedt: Applied to a collection — very nice! I’ll keep that in mind from this point forward.

  3. Robert Labbe

    Would you happen to have code to do this with prototype?

  4. Ben

    I wish images would fire an event if they didn’t load then we could put something in it’s place instead of going through every image checking. Kind of slow…

  5. @Ben: They do — they fire an onError event.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!