Search Results for 'link fading'

Search results for link fading:

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    Best 14 Web Tools Reviewed

    The Internet is huge - that's ultimately a truism. But how can you choose from the great pool of information? If you are looking for resources in developing, let us help you. We have a comprehensive list with the latest sites that can let you deal...

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    Create Spinning, Fading Icons with CSS3 and jQuery

    Last week I debuted a popular blog post titled Create Spinning, Fading Icons with CSS3 and MooTools. The post detailed how you could leverage CSS3's transformations and opacity properties, as well as the magical MooTools JavaScript framework, to...

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    Create Spinning, Fading Icons with CSS3 and MooTools

    A goal of my latest blog redesign was to practice what I preached a bit more;  add a bit more subtle flair.  One of the ways I accomplished that was by using CSS3 animations to change the display of my profile icons (RSS, GitHub, etc.)  I...

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    jQuery Podcast & Essential jQuery and MooTools Snippets

    Many of you probably already know this but I like to consider myself a bit of a JavaScript chameleon. If you know that then you probably know I'm a MooTools fanatic that periodically dabbles with jQuery. I'm happy to announce that I...

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    Create an Animated Sliding Button Using MooTools

    Buttons (or links) are usually the elements on our sites that we want to draw a lot of attention to. Unfortunately many times they end up looking the most boring. You don't have to let that happen though! I recently found a...

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    Create a Simple Slideshow Using MooTools, Part II:  Controls and Events

    Last week we created a very simple MooTools slideshow script. The script was very primitive: no events and no next/previous controls -- just cross-fading between images. This tutorial will take the previous slideshow script a step further by: Adding "Next" and "Previous" controls. Adding...

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    MooTools Fun with Fx.Shake

    Adding movement to your website is a great way to attract attention to specific elements that you want users to notice. Of course you could use Flash or an animated GIF to achieve the movement effect but graphics can be difficult to maintain. Enter...

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    Fading Links Using jQuery:  dwFadingLinks

    UPDATE: The jQuery website was down today which caused some issues with my example. I've made everything local and now the example works. Earlier this week, I posted a MooTools script that faded links to and from a color during the mouseover and mouseout events.

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    MooTools Link Fading

    We all know that we can set a different link color (among other properties) on the hover event, but why not show a little bit more dynamism by making the original color fade to the next? Using MooTools 1.2, you can achieve that effect. The MooTools...

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    MooTools 1.2 Tooltips: Customize Your Tips

    I've never met a person that is "ehhhh" about XHTML/javascript tooltips; people seem to love them or hate them. I'm on the love side of things. Tooltips give you a bit more information about something than just the element itself (usually...