Yahoo SEO Domain Result Grabber
I released my PHP Google Grabber script about a month ago and it was a big hit, even spawning Python and Groovy versions. Obtaining the number of pages indexed in Google by simply providing a domain name (or multiple, if you loop the function) can save you a lot of time. I run this script on a monthly basis to keep track of my customers' websites -- many of them use CMS' we've built so I get to take a peak at how they're doing SEO-wise.
Although Yahoo! isn't nearly as relevant as Google in the search department, Yahoo! is still the most visited website on the internet. Since I already had the basic framework of the code built (from my Google Grabber), I thought it might be beneficial to take a few moments to Yahoo!ize it.
The Code
/* return result number */ function get_yahoo_results($domain = '') { // get the result content $content = file_get_contents(''.$domain.'&bwm=p&bwms=p&fr2=seo-rd-se'); // parse to get results $pages = str_replace(array(' ',')','('),'',get_match('/Pages (.*) /isU',$content)); $inlinks = str_replace(array(' ',')','('),'',get_match('/Inlinks (.*) /isU',$content)); $return['pages'] = $pages ? $pages : 0; $return['inlinks'] = $inlinks? $inlinks : 0; // return result return $return; } /* helper: does the regex */ function get_match($regex,$content) { preg_match($regex,$content,$matches); return $matches[1]; }
The Usage
domains = array('','','','','',''); foreach($domains as $domain) { $result = get_yahoo_results($domain); echo $domain,': ',$result['pages'],' pages, ',$result['inlinks'],' inlinks'; } // 204 pages, 518 inlinks // 20,700,000 pages, 14,300,000 inlinks // 1,290,000,000 pages, 4,650,000 inlinks // 7,510,000 pages, 1,090,000 inlinks // 776,000 pages, 15,000 inlinks // 0 pages, 0 inlinks
Much like my Google Grabber, you may need to adjust the method of connecting to Yahoo! based on your hosting environment. cURL may be the best option for you.
Hi, David,
how do I use this please? do you have a example or something like that?
Thanks for sharing.
this code working fine, thanks