Weekend Links – MooTools Rubberband, Flickable, MooMonth, PHP Image Colors, Prototype 1.6 & Scriptaculous 1.8

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MooTools Rubberband Selector

A MooTools script that allows you to select defined elements by drawing a square (with your mouse) around them. What to do with the collected elements is up to you!


MooTools Flickable

Impressive effect that functions much like an accordion, but with slider functionality as well.



An impressive early version of a great MooTools-based calendar.


PHP / Image Color Analysis

Imagine if you could use PHP's Imagick extension to take an image input and extract a color palette based on which colors were used the most. Now you can.


Graceful Email Obfuscation

A List Apart presents numerous methods of email address obfuscation to prevent spam-spiders from picking off email addresses from your website.


History of Programming Languages

O'Reilly compiled a list of programming languages over the years.


Prototype 1.6.0, script.aculo.us 1.8.0 Released

Powerhouse JavaScript framework Prototype and its sister Scriptaculous have both released new versions. Congratulations to both factions on the new releases!


CSS "Secret Message" Using Positioning

A neat CSS special message page using positioning and scrolling.


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Incredible Demos


  1. Nice link roundup. I really dig that rubberband selector. I’m gonna see if I can work that into a project I’m working on.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!