Weekend Links – jQuery Progress Bar, jQuery Kwicks, Bill Gates Email, MooTools Plugins
jQuery Progress Bar 1.1
This jQuery progress bar is as good as it gets. The progress bar animates to the next step and is very lightweight.
Kwicks 1.5 Released!
Jeremy Martin has released a new version of his jQuery Kwicks plugin. Jeremy's added more options and smoother animations.
An Epic Bill Gates Email Rant
Wow, even Bill Gates dislikes Microsoft-created software.
When to Fire Your Client
There are time when firing a client is necessary. This article explains when, why, and how.
Calling All Plugins
Moo wants you! Send your MooTools plugins to the Moo team!
![Write Simple, Elegant and Maintainable Media Queries with Sass]()
I spent a few months experimenting with different approaches for writing simple, elegant and maintainable media queries with Sass. Each solution had something that I really liked, but I couldn't find one that covered everything I needed to do, so I ventured into creating my...
![Introducing MooTools Templated]()
One major problem with creating UI components with the MooTools JavaScript framework is that there isn't a great way of allowing customization of template and ease of node creation. As of today, there are two ways of creating:
new Element Madness
The first way to create UI-driven...
![Dynamically Create Charts Using MooTools MilkChart and Google Analytics]()
The prospect of creating graphics charts with JavaScript is exciting. It's also the perfect use of JavaScript -- creating non-essential features with unobtrusive scripting. I've created a mix of PHP (the Analytics class), HTML, and MooTools JavaScript that will connect to Google Analytics...
![Table Cell and Position Absolute]()
If you follow me on Twitter, you saw me rage about trying to make position: absolute
work within a TD
element or display: table-cell
element. Chrome? Check. Internet Explorer? Check. Firefox? Ugh, FML. I tinkered in the console...and cussed. I did some researched...and I...
Cool collection. Having this codes are really cool and looks pretty on ,our projects. Thanks!