Weekend Links – Firebug Extensions, Updating Firefox Extensions, jQuery Puzzles, Digg/Google Sale

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The Fire Best Firebug Extensions

Firebug is a powerhouse in itself, but why not install some Firebug plugins to make it even more useful?


Updating Extensions for Firefox 3

Have a Firefox plugin that you want to use in the newest version, but it isn't officially up to snuff? Here's how you can bypass that problem.


jqPuzzle -- Customizable Sliding Puzzles Using jQuery

Have a picture you'd like to split into a puzzle? Try jqPuzzle, a jQuery puzzle.


Google Walks Away From Digg Deal

Simply put, I think Digg needs to sell fast before the site loses its prestige. And now they've lost a potential sale to Google.


5 Rules of Variable Naming

Amen to this system of variable naming. I agree with every one of these.


Recent Features

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    5 HTML5 APIs You Didn’t Know Existed

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Incredible Demos


  1. Didn’t even know you could use extensions in Firebug; extensions within an extension, crazy. I agree 100% about Digg – they need to act sooner than later.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!