Weekend Links – Firebug Extensions, Updating Firefox Extensions, jQuery Puzzles, Digg/Google Sale

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The Fire Best Firebug Extensions

Firebug is a powerhouse in itself, but why not install some Firebug plugins to make it even more useful?


Updating Extensions for Firefox 3

Have a Firefox plugin that you want to use in the newest version, but it isn't officially up to snuff? Here's how you can bypass that problem.


jqPuzzle -- Customizable Sliding Puzzles Using jQuery

Have a picture you'd like to split into a puzzle? Try jqPuzzle, a jQuery puzzle.


Google Walks Away From Digg Deal

Simply put, I think Digg needs to sell fast before the site loses its prestige. And now they've lost a potential sale to Google.


5 Rules of Variable Naming

Amen to this system of variable naming. I agree with every one of these.


Recent Features

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    Create a Sheen Logo Effect with CSS

    I was inspired when I first saw Addy Osmani's original ShineTime blog post.  The hover sheen effect is simple but awesome.  When I started my blog redesign, I really wanted to use a sheen effect with my logo.  Using two HTML elements and...

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    7 Essential JavaScript Functions

    I remember the early days of JavaScript where you needed a simple function for just about everything because the browser vendors implemented features differently, and not just edge features, basic features, like addEventListener and attachEvent.  Times have changed but there are still a few functions each developer should...

Incredible Demos

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    Using jQuery and MooTools Together

    There's yet another reason to master more than one JavaScript library: you can use some of them together! Since MooTools is prototype-based and jQuery is not, jQuery and MooTools may be used together on the same page. The XHTML and JavaScript jQuery is namespaced so the...

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    Drag & Drop Elements to the Trash with MooTools 1.2

    Everyone loves dragging garbage files from their desktop into their trash can. There's a certain amount of irony in doing something on your computer that you also do in real life. It's also a quick way to get rid of things. That's...


  1. Didn’t even know you could use extensions in Firebug; extensions within an extension, crazy. I agree 100% about Digg – they need to act sooner than later.

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!