Weekend Links – Web Design Trends & Cliches, CSS Design, PHP HTML Parser, Yahoo! Web 2.0, PHP Checklist, MooTools AJAX Bejeweled, Starbox

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2007: More Web Design Trends & Cliches

Not so much as a a rip at the year's design trend as it is an indictment of Web 2.0. My RSS icon is cliche -- damn!


Best of CSS Design 2007

This list is a more positive look at 2007.


Parsing HTML in PHP

A great HTML parsing class written in PHP. Use it to check the number of links, included JavaScript libraries, or whatever you'd like in an HTML document.


PHP: The Power Behind Web 2.0

This article provides insight and reason why PHP drives Web 2.0. Cites Yahoo! as a major PHP user.


PHP Checklist

Need to evaluate a hosting environment to see which modules are loaded? Use this PHP code.


MooTools / AJAX Bejeweled

The addictive game made without flash. I'll probably spend way too much time playing this.



A collection of Prototype & Scriptaculous JavaScript star raters.


Recent Features

Incredible Demos

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    Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!