O’Reilly Velocity Conference – Santa Clara

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Velocity Conference
My favorite front-end conference has always been O'Reilly's Velocity Conference because the conference series has focused on one of the most undervalued parts of client side coding:  speed.  So often we're so excited that our JavaScript works that we forget that speed, efficiency, and performance are just as important.

This year Velocity is broadening its scope to business:

You'll still find plenty of hard-core web operations and performance sessions at the conference. But the web-centric innovation sparked by the Velocity community has forever changed business-as-usual. So we're broadening the scope of Velocity in Santa Clara to include the essentials of "Building a faster, stronger business."

So now O'Reilly is adding another oft-ignored facet of development to Velocity:  business.  There's no other conference like it.

Save 20% with AFF20

If you want to save 20% on Velocity Conference in Santa Clara, CA on May 27-29, 2015, click here and use code AFF20!

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