How to Upload a File via SSH and Command Line

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scp ~/Downloads/NestedT.png root@

My preference for daily work is usually GUI applications, like Visual Studio Code for text editing and Cyberduck for remote file server management. I'm also a huge fan of automation, so I do try to learn the command line equivalents of UI functions. My latest desire was wanting to know how to upload a file via SSH from command line.

To upload a file to a remote server from command line, use scp and the file path with the remote destination:

scp path/to/local/file.png user@hostname:/path/to/upload/

I'll be honest: I'll probably still use a GUI for personal uploading, but knowing how to upload via automation is still super valuable!

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  1. mc

    Its worth noting that scp is considered deprecated.

    I’ve moved to rsync for all of my needs in this regard.

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