Upcoming Blog Changes

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The BluDice blog will be going under some major changes during the upcoming month, including:

  • Domain change to "davidwalsh.name"
  • Added "Tools" section, where I will provide numerous Web Developer tools to allow you to compress your CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, and much more
  • Custom design -- even I know the current one is awful
  • Blog posts with images and in-depth examples (I've been holding off on some cool MooTools stuff for the new design)
  • More personalized content -- the site wont be about my person life, but I plan to throw more of my own flavor into writing.
  • More reader interaction. I'd like to do a "mailbag" post from time to time, where you can ask questions.
Do you have any requests or ideas for the blog? Please share them!

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    Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!