Shell Tutorials

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    Delete Merged Branches with git

    It's common courtesy to keep your git branch list clean, especially when colleagues need to fetch your remote branches.  I'm a bit of a ... offender, when it comes to maintaining my git branch list.  My colleague John Karahalis is not, however, and he...

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    Update Submodules with Git

    Git submodules seem to confuse people and I can probably count myself in that group of people that are confused.  Their code is kind of part of the codebase, kind of isn't.  Pulling the latest code from the overall project doesn't pull the updated submodule code...

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    Git Hooks and CSS Preprocessors

    For one of my recent projects, I've decided to use Stylus.  I'm accustomed to using Sass but that would require adding Ruby to our stack -- Stylus is Node.js-based, and since I'm already using Node.js for a few other tasks, I thought I'd give Stylus a try.

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    Fixing ‘vagrant up’ Errors

    When I'm working on MDN's source, kuma, I use a technology called Vagrant to do so. Vagrant helps to create an manage a virtual machine that hosts MDN locally. Occasionally, however, I get errors which prevent me from starting the...

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    Remove a Submodule within git

    For many git-based projects, submodules are useful in avoiding duplicate work and easing utility library updates.  There are times, however, when a submodule needs to be removed from a project.  Submodules aren't removed with git rm submoduledir, they must be removed in a more tedious, manual...

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    Upgrade Node.js via NPM

    I was recently installing a utility via NPM when I learned that my version of Node.js itself was out of date.  No worries -- simply upgrade my Node.js install and move forward.  Of course I could just hit and get the new image, but figured...

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    Retrieve Headers with cURL

    We all know the cURL is incredibly useful.  We can retrieve remote content with curl, post to a remote URL, and perform hundreds of other tasks.  One simple task that can be completed is simply retrieving basic response headers.  To test the robot...

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    Squash Commits with Git

    I'm not a git expert but I know enough git to get by, and surely know enough git to appreciate its ease of use over svn. A while ago I published some basic git commands to that go slightly beyond basic cloning and commits...

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    OS X Dock Dividers

    One thing I hate is Tottenham Football Club clutter.  I hate cluttered code, files littered on the desktop, and keeping files in my Downloads folder that I'll never need again.  One place I especially hate clutter is my OSX application dock.  I recently upgraded to OSX Lion...

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    Useful Git Commands

    I've used git quite a bit but I don't consider myself a git expert, per se. I often find myself looking up the same basic commands so I thought I'd share them there so I'd have a fast reference, and maybe this will help you...