Optimization Tutorials

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    Object Indexing vs. Array Collection

    The Setup & Goal Let's say that we have one large text document and we have a a bunch of keywords that we want to parse the document for.  We don't care how many times times the keyword appears -- we just care that it's been used.

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    HTML5 Link Prefetching

    One effort shared by both browsers and developers is making the web browsing experience faster.  There are many common-known ways to keep your websites fast:  using CSS sprites and image optimization, using .htaccess to set file headers for longer caching, javascript file compression...

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    Using jQuery or MooTools For Drag, Drop, Sort, Save

    One of my most popular posts has been Using MooTools 1.2 for Drag, Drop, Sort, Save. My post detailed how you can create a drag'n'drop, AJAX-ified system to allow the user to drag and drop elements and quickly save them with PHP and...

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    META Refresh vs. JavaScript Refresh

    A few days back I was perusing the ESPN.com source code when I found the following snippet of code: I understand what the code was supposed to do but was confused as to why they'd use JavaScript as a primary method and META as a fallback method.

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    Create a Sprited Navigation Menu Using CSS and MooTools

    CSS sprites are all the rage these days. And why shouldn't be? They're easy to implement, have great upside, and usually take little effort to create. Dave Shea wrote an epic CSS sprites navigation post titled CSS Sprites2 - It's JavaScript Time.

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    Speeding Up My Website

    One of the biggest goals with my website redesign was to update something no one sees -- website speed. Sure I'm using different colors, fonts, JavaScript techniques, and images but I'm most proud of the the speed increases I made. Let me explain the...

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    MooTools TwitterGitter and Cookies

    One of my MooTools plugins I use most is TwitterGitter. TwitterGitter is a small MooTools plugin I've created to fetch any number of tweets from an Twitter user's account. Since clients don't tweet very often, there's no advantage to pinging Twitter for a tweet...

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    Reduce PNG Graphic Size Using PNGCRUSH

    Now that I'm knee-deep in MacBook I love working with command line applications. There's a certain beauty in the simplicity of using the console instead of a nice GUI. One task I use the console for often is reducing the size of PNG files...

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    MooTools Class Creation Tips

    Writing MooTools classes can be a daunting task, even for a novice MooTools developer. Here are a few tips I've picked up along the way that will take your Moo plugin / class development to the next level. self = this Using the this keyword is essential...

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    CSS Sprites

    The idea of CSS sprites is pretty genius. For those of you who don't know the idea of a sprite, a sprite is basically multiple graphics compiled into one image. The advantages of using sprites are: Fewer images for the browser to download, which means...