Mozilla Tutorials

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    5 Awesome New Mozilla Technologies You’ve Never Heard Of

    My trip to Mozilla Summit 2013 was incredible.  I've spent so much time focusing on my project that I had lost sight of all of the great work Mozillians were putting out.  MozSummit provided the perfect reminder of how brilliant my colleagues are and how much...

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    GitHub and Mozilla Work Process

    Nicholas Zakas sent out a call to Twitter asking developers who use GitHub as a primary CVS to share their working process.  Mozilla uses GitHub for many (if not most, but I can't confirm that) mission critical web applications so I chimed in on...

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    One Year At Mozilla

    When I was a naive but bright-eyed kid attending a small technical college in 2002, I was first introduced to Mozilla.  The Mozilla browser looked incredibly similar to Netscape but provided a few additional development tools (like syntax-highlighted source windows)!  Developing within Mozilla's browser really sparked...