MooTools Tutorials
Growl-Style Notifications Using MooTools Roar
When I think of premier MooTools plugin developers, Harald "digitarald" Kirschner is usually one of the first people that come to mind. Harald has built some of MooTools' most popular plugins, including AutoCompleter, FancyUpload, and History Manager. My favorite plugin created...
Track Clicks Outside Active Elements with MooTools or jQuery
Buried in the MooTools and jQuery code from my Twitter Dropdowns posts was a small but useful snippet of code: hide an "active" element when the user clicks outside of the elements. Take a look at the image above. When you click the "Menu 1"...
Create a Quick MooTools Slideshow with Preloading Images
I've been creating a lot of slideshow posts lately. Why, you ask? Because they help me get chicks. A quick formula for you: The following code snippet will show you how to create a simple slideshow with MooTools; the script will also...
Book Review: MooTools 1.2 Beginner’s Guide
In the interest in full disclosure, I was sent this book by Packt Publishing in hopes that I would review it. I'm reviewing this book, however, in the interest of my audience. Unless you live under a rock or simply check my site for Christina...
Create Twitter-Style Dropdowns Using MooTools
Twitter does some great stuff with JavaScript. What I really appreciate about what they do is that there aren't any epic JS functionalities -- they're all simple touches. One of those simple touches is the "Login" dropdown on their homepage. I've taken...
Introducing MooTools NextPrev
One thing I love doing is duplicating OS functionalities. One of the things your OS allows you to do easily is move from one item to another. Most of the time you're simply trying to get to the next or the previous item.
“MooTools as a General Purpose Application Framework” by Christoph Pojer
I wanted to bring attention to an outstanding presentation given by MooTools Core Developer Christoph Pojer. Given at FOSDEM 2010, Christoph provides an overview of what MooTools is, who should use it, how it should be used. Examples are given...
Create a Simple News Scroller Using MooTools, Part I: The Basics
News scroller have been around forever on the internet. Why? Because they're usually classy and effective. Over the next few weeks, we'll be taking a simple scroller and making it into a flexible, portable class. We have to crawl before we...
Create a Simple Slideshow Using MooTools, Part IV: Thumbnails and Captions
My "Create a Simple Slideshow Using MooTools" series has been hugely successful. The first step was laying the groundwork for the slideshow, the second step was adding controls and events to the slideshow, and the third step was recoding the slideshow...
NetTuts: Make Your MooTools Code Shorter, Faster, and Stronger
My latest NetTuts tutorial has hit! From the post: MooTools is one of the most flexible, modular, and well written JavaScript frameworks available. So many people use it but many of them don't optimize their code. This post will...