MooTools Tutorials

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    New MooTools Plugin:  ElementFilter

    My new MooTools plugin, ElementFilter, provides a great way for you to allow users to search through the text of any mix of elements. Simply provide a text input box and ElementFilter does the rest of the work. The XHTML I've used a list for this example...

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    Digg-Style Dynamic Share Widget Using MooTools

    I've always seen Digg as a very progressive website. Digg uses experimental, ajaxified methods for comments and mission-critical functions. One nice touch Digg has added to their website is their hover share widget. Here's how to implement that functionality on your site...

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    David Walsh on NetTuts:  Create a Twitter-Like “Load More” Widget

    My latest article post for NetTuts has been published.  From the intro: Both Twitter and the Apple App Store use a brilliant technique for loading more information; you click the link and fresh items magically appear on the screen. This tutorial teaches you to use AJAX...

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    Create a Download Package Using MooTools Moousture

    Zohaib Sibt-e-Hassan recently released a great mouse gestures library for MooTools called Moousture. Moousture allows you to trigger functionality by moving your mouse in specified custom patterns. Too illustrate Moousture's value, I've created an image download builder using Mooustures and PHP. The XHTML We provide...

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    Introducing MooTools Dotter

    It's best practice to provide an indicator of some sort when performing an AJAX request or processing that takes place in the background. Since the dawn of AJAX, we've been using colorful spinners and imagery as indicators. While I enjoy those images, I am...

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    7 MooTools Plugins You Should Use on Every Website

    The advantage of using unobtrusive JavaScript is that you can vastly improve the user experience for website visitors using just a snippet of code. And since the MooTools JavaScript framework's community is known for creating unique, quality plugins, I've compiled a list of plugins you...

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    Highlighter: A MooTools Search & Highlight Plugin

    Searching within the page is a major browser functionality, but what if we could code a search box in JavaScript that would do the same thing? I set out to do that using MooTools and ended up with a pretty decent solution. The MooTools JavaScript Class The...

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    MooTools, Framework Compatibility, and Dollar $afe Mode

    MooTools 1.2.3 was released on June 19, 2009. With this release, MooTools implemented Dollar Safe Mode. Essentially, MooTools no longer requires the $ function for its own purposes. Valerio Proietti writes about Dollar Safe Mode on the MooTools blog but I'll give...

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    MooTools Fun with Fx.Shake

    Adding movement to your website is a great way to attract attention to specific elements that you want users to notice. Of course you could use Flash or an animated GIF to achieve the movement effect but graphics can be difficult to maintain. Enter...

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    Count MooTools Events Per Element in MooTools 1.2

    Every once in a while I'll need to check an element to see how many (usually 1 or 0) events of a specific type are tied to a specific element. Here's how you can check how many events and of which type have been assigned...