Markup Tutorials

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    Enforce Widths on Empty Block Elements

    One of the side effects within CSS that I find somewhat strange is that even if you give an element an explicit width, the element width is not respected if the element is empty or the elements within it are absolutely or fixed position.  Of course...

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    Using Font Awesome Icons without <i> Tags

    If you've not used glyph icon libraries like Font Awesome before, you're really missing out.  They're incredibly useful, flexible, and are easy to implement via markup.  The normal method for using font awesome is by using an <i> element with an icon-specific CSS class: This...

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    Remove Whitespace Between Inline-Block Elements

    I remember being a young developer during the Internet Explorer 6 days and desperately wanting IE to adopt display: inline-block.  The inline-block value is incredibly useful when wanting to control margin and padding on "inline" elements without the need to `block and float` them.  One problem...

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    Pure CSS Slide Up and Slide Down

    If I can avoid using JavaScript for element animations, I'm incredibly happy and driven to do so.  They're more efficient, don't require a JavaScript framework to manage steps, and they're more elegant.  One effect that is difficult to nail down with pure CSS is sliding up...

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    :valid, :invalid, and :required CSS Pseudo Classes

    Let's be honest, form validation with JavaScript can be a real bitch.  On a real basic level, however, it's not that bad.  HTML5 has jumped in to some extent, providing a few attributes to allow us to mark fields as required or only valid if matching...

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    Create a CSS Cube

    CSS cubes really showcase what CSS has become over the years, evolving from simple color and dimension directives to a language capable of creating deep, creative visuals.  Add animation and you've got something really neat.  Unfortunately each CSS cube tutorial I've read is a bit...

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    Create a 3D Animating Sidebar

    Mozilla's Christian Heilmann is an evangelist that knows how to walk the walk as well as talk the talk.  You'll often see him creating sweet demos on his blog or the awesome Mozilla Hacks blog.  One of my favorite pieces...

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    Using CSS attr and content for Tooltips

    I've found myself in love with CSS content and attr; I've recently written about how you can use the property and expression on a basic level, how you can implement CSS counters, and use for the sake of localization.  I wanted to share...

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    Windows 8 Pin METAs

    Windows 8 allows for adding websites as apps (or maybe "bookmarks" is a better term) to the home screen, much in the vein that iOS allows users to do the same.  Like iOS devices, Windows 8 allows  users to accomplish this same task using custom...

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    Multiple Background CSS Animations

    CSS background animation has been a hot topic for a long time, mostly because they look pretty sweet and don't require additional elements.  I was recently asked if it was possible to have multiple background animations on a given element and the answer is yes...with...