Bookmarking / Social Tutorials

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    MooTools TwitterGitter Plugin

    Everyone loves Twitter. Everyone loves MooTools. That's why everyone should love TwitterGitter, a MooTools plugin that retrieves a user's recent tweets and allows the user to format them however the user would like. TwitterGitter allows the user to choose the number of...

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    Script & Style Revamp with Submission Favelet

    It's been six months and some change since the launch of Script & Style and the website is doing extremely well. Traffic continues to rise, our RSS feed subscriber count is close to 4,000, the submissions continue to be quality, and we're slowly adding...

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    Get a URL’s Count Using JavaScript

    When I put together my new theme, I made it a goal to integrate more of the social bookmarking websites. The benefit to me is that my articles and website will get more attention. The benefit to you is that you can save /...

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    6 Reasons I’m Glad I Joined Twitter

    For the longest time I refused to do the Twitter thing. Looking back it seems stupid but I just would not join the craze. Two months and 350 updates later, I'm a proud card-carrying Twitter fanboy. Here are 6 reasons I'm glad I...

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    Digg Homepage!! Woohooo!!

    I made the Digg homepage for the first time! Sweet. Nothing like a front page promotion!Subsequently, DZone's server crashed quickly. Ooops!

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    PHP DZone Story Information Grabber

    Having a user submit a post to DZone is great for several reasons: A reader thinks enough of what you wrote to want to share it with others. Your blog gets more readership. Your blog revenue increases. The inlink and traffic boost improve your search engine rank and Alexa ranks. The...

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    5 Usability Suggestions For has quickly become one of my favorite programming-related internet websites. DZone provides a wealth of fresh, interesting development-related links to articles, announcements, and code snippets. DZone also provides bloggers a great way to get their articles the credit and attention they deserve.

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    6 Reason Why Digg Is Losing Me

    I've been an avid Digg user for over a year now. Over the course of a year, Digg and its posts have changed to the point that I can hardly stand going to the website anymore.I am not an Apple FanboyAnything related to Apple, or...