6 Reason Why Digg Is Losing Me

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I've been an avid Digg user for over a year now. Over the course of a year, Digg and its posts have changed to the point that I can hardly stand going to the website anymore.

I am not an Apple Fanboy

Anything related to Apple, or with Apple in the name, gets a minimum 2,000 diggs. I realize that Digg itself is inherently a clique-ey website, but is everything Apple-related news?

I don't care about Ron Paul

Ron Paul's supporters are definitely winning the Apply debate, but that's probably because no other candidates get any play. Do a search (yeah, I'll get to search) for Ron Paul and get 119 pages worth of results. What's funny is that I've never seen anything with regards to Ron Paul outside of Digg.

I like search functionality that works

I'm have a lot of respect for Eli White, Digg coder and PHP guru, and I don't even know if he coded Digg's search, but search is pretty bad. Unfortunately I can't provide a specific example but I don't trust search enough to use it anymore. From what's been mentioned in many Digg comments, search hasn't gotten any better. As a test, I tried a search and got the dreaded "Try again later" message. Neat.

I hate seeing [PIC] next to every post

I'm a huge proponent for a picture section -- oh, not because I'd ever visit it, but I like going to Digg to get good content and articles, not "LOLCat" photos dugg by 15 year old girls.

I don't dig digging Digg

Any article inside or outside of the Digg website gets a minimum 3,000 diggs. Digg is cool, everyone gets it, we don't need to see Digg articles on Digg.

I'm not a fan of Digg downtime

Though it seems this situation has been better lately, Digg seems to be down quite often. I can't recall how many times I've gone to Digg and gotten the infamous "Digg is down" screen. At least I learn that Dan likes Oasis though, right?

What do you think? Do you have any major peeves I haven't mentioned?

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