Get One Month of Treehouse Membership Free

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Treehouse Free

My new sponsor, Treehouse, is a web-based learning site that uses high quality video tutorials to teach you a new programming language, a new business strategy, and even place you in a job after you've graduated.  Treehouse's learning path is great because they fill the gap between a year or two in school (which seasoned developers of other languages don't need) and venturing in the jungle of Google-search-to-find-a-hopefully-good-written-tutorial.  For a developer like myself, Treehouse is the best way to quickly learn the dev environment, basic tips to coding in said language, and how to become a pro in a given language, like iOS development (which I don't know).  I'll let Treehouse describe themselves:

As part of their sponsorship of this blog, Treehouse is offering a month of learning for free.  Do yourself a favor and make the best of this offer.  Their library current includes web development (CSS, JavaScript, HTML5, PhotoShop), server side development (PHP, Ruby on Rails), mobile development (iOS, Android), and more.  Go get started!

Recent Features

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    Write Better JavaScript with Promises

    You've probably heard the talk around the water cooler about how promises are the future. All of the cool kids are using them, but you don't see what makes them so special. Can't you just use a callback? What's the big deal? In this article, we'll...

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    5 HTML5 APIs You Didn’t Know Existed

    When you say or read "HTML5", you half expect exotic dancers and unicorns to walk into the room to the tune of "I'm Sexy and I Know It."  Can you blame us though?  We watched the fundamental APIs stagnate for so long that a basic feature...

Incredible Demos

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    Introducing LazyLoad 2.0

    While improvements in browsers means more cool APIs for us to play with, it also means we need to maintain existing code.  With Firefox 4's release came news that my MooTools LazyLoad plugin was not intercepting image loading -- the images were loading regardless of...

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    MooTools 1.3 Browser Object

    MooTools 1.3 was just released and one of the big additions is the Browser object.  The Browser object is very helpful in that not only do you get information about browser type and browser versions, you can gain information about the user's OS, browser plugins, and...


  1. I always searched for a good structured learning website. Thanks, I will try this one.

  2. Found it here and i like it for now, its great, they have begginer stuff for Rails and more..

  3. Jeremy

    Hi David,

    I wanted to give it a try for ios development but I won’t have too much time before two months :(

    Any idea how long this offer will be available?


    • The end of April at minimum, but probably longer ;)

  4. Treehouse are awesome, reallly good fun way to learn

Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!