Simple Node.js Proxy

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When I wanted to refresh my React.js skills, I quickly moved to create a dashboard of cryptocurrencies, their prices, and and other aspects of digital value. Getting rolling with React.js is a breeze -- create-react-app {name} and you're off and running. Getting the API working isn't quick, especially if they don't accept cross-origin requests.

I set out to find the easiest possible Node.js proxy and I think I found it: http-proxy-middleware; check out how easy it was to use:

// ... after `npm install express http-proxy-middleware`

const express = require('express');
const { createProxyMiddleware } = require('http-proxy-middleware');

const app = express();
app.use('/coins/markets', createProxyMiddleware({ 
    target: '',
    headers: {
        accept: "application/json",
        method: "GET",
    changeOrigin: true

After node server.js is executed, I can hit http://localhost:3001/coins/markets from my React app and receive quotes from CoinGecko's API. Perfect!

I'm so grateful for projects like http-proxy-middleware ; they allow us to easily move past development issues and help us move forward!

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  1. I use json-server which work ok for my project:

      "scripts": {
        "start": "run-p dev api",
        "api": "json-server demo/db.json",
        "dev": "react-scripts start",

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