Script Junkie: MooTools Class Creation and Organization
My new blog post has debuted on Script Junkie: MooTools Class Creation and Organization!!
As web applications aim to become more dynamic, responsive, and feature-filled, they will inevitably need to include more JavaScript. As the amount of code increases, there is also an increase in the need to keep that code organized, extendable, and maintainable. The MooTools JavaScript framework provides you just that. This post will cover the basics of creating and organizing MooTools classes so that your web application's JavaScript will stay organized and extendable for years to come.
Click here to read the post and please vote for it on Reddit!
Client-side APIs on mobile and desktop devices are quickly providing the same APIs. Of course our mobile devices got access to some of these APIs first, but those APIs are slowly making their way to the desktop. One of those APIs is the getUserMedia API...
CSS filter support recently landed within WebKit nightlies. CSS filters provide a method for modifying the rendering of a basic DOM element, image, or video. CSS filters allow for blurring, warping, and modifying the color intensity of elements. Let's have...
I've been working with the Magento eCommerce solution a lot lately and I've taken a liking to a technique they use with the top bar within their administrative control panel. When the user scrolls below a specified threshold, the top bar becomes attached to the...
A while back I debuted a tasteful mouseover/mouseout technique called link nudging. It started with a MooTools version and shortly thereafter a jQuery version. Just recently Drew Douglass premiered a jQuery plugin that aimed at producing the same type of effect.
Excellent tutorial David…
nice entry David! bookmarked!
Fantastic! Thank you
Ive been reading blogposts from your blog from time to time.
And I have to say this must be youre best article written so far.
It really gives a good introduction, and makes people who are familiar with OOP immediately understand that there’s a really good alternative to using jQuery. (nothing against jQuery)
Something that many developers out there are to lazy to even consider.