Recent Features
From Webcam to Animated GIF: the Secret Behind!
My team mate Edna Piranha is not only an awesome hacker; she's also a fantastic philosopher! Communication and online interactions is a subject that has kept her mind busy for a long time, and it has also resulted in a bunch of interesting experimental projects...
CSS Filters
CSS filter support recently landed within WebKit nightlies. CSS filters provide a method for modifying the rendering of a basic DOM element, image, or video. CSS filters allow for blurring, warping, and modifying the color intensity of elements. Let's have...
Incredible Demos
Introducing LazyLoad 2.0
While improvements in browsers means more cool APIs for us to play with, it also means we need to maintain existing code. With Firefox 4's release came news that my MooTools LazyLoad plugin was not intercepting image loading -- the images were loading regardless of...
CSS Custom Cursors
Remember the Web 1.0 days where you had to customize your site in every way possible? You abused the scrollbars in Internet Explorer, of course, but the most popular external service I can remember was CometCursor. CometCursor let you create and use loads of custom cursors for...