Pro JavaScript with MooTools by Mark Obcena

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MooTools Book

With Christmas almost upon us, I wanted to throw a gift idea out there to everyone.  MooTools Contributor Mark Obcena (keeto) has just finished writing his MooTools book:  Pro JavaScript with MooTools.  As you would expect, this book covers not just the basics of MooTools but the advanced concepts behind the code.  Pro JavaScript with MooTools teaches you why MooTools is written the way it is and how to leverage every byte of code to to create efficient, powerful web applications.

Mark is a hugely valuable member of the MooTools community.  His "Up the Herd" series explores the advanced concepts of MooTools, and this book will no doubt do the same.  Do yourself a favor:  grab Mark's book.  Whether you're a MooTools veteran or JavaScript noob, Mark's book will empower you to create amazing MooTools-driven websites.

The forward to Mark's book is written by MooTools creator Valerio Proietti.  If that's not an endorsement, I don't know what is.

I'm not making any referral money with this post;  I simply believe in Mark's MooTools expertise and ability to explain complex concepts.

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  1. Do you know if it is based on 1.2x or 1.3? The amazon page either didn’t say, or hid it rather well. ;-)

    • Never-mind… Sorry, David, guess I should have read the ENTIRE description closer. It does sound pretty good though!

      I’ve been using mootools for 2+ years now, and I’ve always been impressed with how well it fills in the gaps and differences between prototypical and classical OOP languages. I think this would make a wonderful reference book for anyone wanting to know the intricacies of javascript!

  2. Onion Eye

    I’ve been waiting for this book for a couple of months now, but I recently ordered four books from Amazon, and now I’m kinda broke :) However, I will buy it eventually, since I want to delve into MooTools a bit more.

    MooTools FTW! :D

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