Weekend Links – Premium CSS Tips, MooTools 1.2 Clientside, Google Sky, JavaScript Typing, PHP Image Resizer

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8 Premium One Line CSS Tips

You probably know most of these tips, but there are a few snippets that you may be surprised to find.


Clientside For MooTools 1.2 - RC1

The Clientside at CNET is headed by Aaron Newton, a MooTools core developer. The Clientside has created numerous plugins for MooTools 1.2 and they're all very practical and useful. If you're a Moo fan, check it out.


Google Sky

Google has created a method for navigating the sky -- Google Sky! It's much like Google Maps but probably not as useful. Worth a look though!


Understanding Loose Typing in JavaScript

Jeremy Martin covers variable typing issues in JavaScript. When does "+" mean concatenate? What does "+" mean add? What happens when you add a string to an int, and visa versa? Let this article be your guide.


Smart Image Resizer

This PHP image resizing script creates the best image thumbnails I've seen. Not grainy, good file size, and free to download.


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Incredible Demos


    Wrap your code in <pre class="{language}"></pre> tags, link to a GitHub gist, JSFiddle fiddle, or CodePen pen to embed!