Tutorials Page 134

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    Retrieve Headers with cURL

    We all know the cURL is incredibly useful.  We can retrieve remote content with curl, post to a remote URL, and perform hundreds of other tasks.  One simple task that can be completed is simply retrieving basic response headers.  To test the robot...

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    Prevent Robot Indexing with Response Headers

    Every so often you have parts of your website that would be better off not indexed by search engines.  API calls, search result pages, PDF documents -- all examples of responses which may not have value outside of the current user.  No we all know we...

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    12 Incredible CodePen.IO Demos

    Whenever I need to put my ego in check, I go to Chris Coyier's new CodePen.IO site.  CodePen.IO is an incredible showcase of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, displaying the talents of developers creating effects that 99% of the world's front-end developers couldn't create.

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    Create and Retrieve Nested Objects with jQuery

    The ability to create and retrieve nested objects by objectified string path is incredibly useful.  Not only do you not need to do the manual string of object/property checks to avoid "{x} is not defined" errors, but if you create your method properly, you can also...

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    HTML5 autofocus Attribute

    HTML5 threw a whole bunch of awesomeness at us. Tasks we accomplished with JavaScript and Flash, like basic form validation, INPUT placeholders, client side file naming, and audio/video, can now be completed using basic HTML. Another simple functionality HTML now allows us...

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    Smashing Deal: Ultimate WordPress Theme Builder

    Creating this blog was a life-changing experience.  Due to the exposure I've created for myself, I've got an awesome job at Mozilla (and formerly SitePen), I get to travel around the world and talk about web development, and writing pushes me to keep learning.

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    HTML5 download Attribute

    I tend to get caught up on the JavaScript side of the HTML5 revolution, and can you blame me?  HTML5 gives us awesome "big" stuff like WebSockets, Web Workers, History, Storage and little helpers like the Element classList collection.  There are, however, smaller features in...

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    CSS Vendor Prefixes

    What are the Vendor Prefixes? Vendor prefixes are small strings prepended to CSS properties that will ensure that the property will only be valid and rendered within the given browser engine.  Chrome and Safari both use the WebKit rendering engine, Firefox uses Gecko, Internet Explorer uses Trident...

  • Media Temple Hosting
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    Promote MDN WordPress Plugin

    I'm very happy to share with you the Promote MDN WordPress plugin, created by Mozilla Web Developer Luke Crouch.  The Promote MDN plugin analyzes your blog post content and links prominent development keywords to the Mozilla Developer Network.  MDN is...

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    CSS Tooltips

    We all know that you can make shapes with CSS and a single HTML element, as I've covered in my CSS Triangles and CSS Circles posts.  Triangles and circles are fairly simply though, so as CSS advances, we need to stretch the boundaries...