Tutorials Page 107
Copy Shell Output via the Command Line
Oftentimes I'll want to copy the output of a shell command execution but can't get the whole output because it's larger than the terminal's buffer length, so I'll need to write to file for easy viewing, or I'll simply be annoyed that I have to click-hold-drag...
Giveaway: Win 5 New Colossal Bundles Value $10,063 from Inky Deals
Get a pack of 19 premium resources worth $66 for free by entering this contest. The free pack is sent to the email address you use to participate in the competition and comes from the New Colossal Bundle: $10,063 worth of Top-Quality Resources -- From $49.
Hosting a Website on Amazon S3
Everyone knows that Amazon S3 is great for storing files. It's fast, inexpensive, and easy to setup. What you may not realize is that you can also host static websites on this robust platform. What is a static website? In short, it's a website comprised of...
Pygments on PHP & WordPress
I've been in a long journey trying to find a great code highlighter, I've been using a lot of them that I can't even remember. These are the ones I can remember right now: SyntaxHighlighter Google Prettifier highlighter.js Geshi Right now I'm using
but it wasn't exactly what I...Disable the User’s JavaScript Console
There are a few giant companies out there, namely Facebook and Netflix, who have decided to effectively disable a user's ability to execute JavaScript console commands. The decision was initially made by Facebook to prevent users from executing a specific set of commands which...
Using git reflog to Fix Rebase Problems
My git jedi skills aren't top class yet but I'm learning how to use the force. I recently rebased a pull request, only to find that it added about two dozen more commits, thus my branch was hosed. After a bit of research, I found
new Function()
Douglas Crockford once said that JavaScript was the only language developers didn't need to learn to use. That's as true a statement as you'll hear when it comes to programming. We all sort of stumbled into JavaScript, mostly due to JavaScript frameworks which made JavaScript magical...
Sometimes JavaScript toolkits give us so much functionality that we can get hung by it if we're not careful. The more functionality that we use within a toolkit, the more opportunity there is to have one set of changes or additions affect another. That's especially true...
How Nesting 3D Transformed Elements Works
CSS animations are incredibly popular right now, and I don't just mean animating a simple color or dimension property, I mean 3D transformations as well; CSS flips and rotating cubes being prime examples. We can find simple CSS snippets and examples for transforms, but...
Startup Framework: Website Builder, Bootstrap Themes and More
One conclusion that I've come to when evaluating my skills is that I'm not a designer. Each time I redesign this blog, I identify a few sites I like and then meld them together. Of course that means I end up with UI components that...