OSCON Portland: Conference Discount!

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OSCON Portland
O'Reilly puts on the best web industry conferences in the world.  These conferences include Fluent Conference, Velocity Conference, and the upcoming OSCON in Portland, Oregon from July 20-24.  Open Source Convention (OSCON) is a conference that focuses specifically on open source developers and the tools and possibilities they create!

O'Reilly OSCON, happening July 20-24 in Portland, gathers the software engineering and developer community to explore what's new in open source languages, tools, and techniques. OSCON is the best place to sharpen your skills and discover important new trends, making you better at what you do and rekindling your love of all things digital. The agenda has a problem/solution approach, giving you a window into how your peers are solving problems and equipping you to apply them in the workplace. Save 20% with discount code AFF20. Check out the impressive agenda and speaker lineup.

OSCON Conference Discount: AFF20

If you don't want to chance winning or have friends that are wanting to go, use THIS LINK and discount code AFF20.  You'll save 20% on the ticket price and book your trip to an excellent open source conference!

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  1. Kenneth

    Are these conferences being recorded ?
    I’m from Denmark, and would love to watch those conferences!

  2. Chris Whitney

    There are just too many cool and wonderful open source projects, from everything Mozilla does (ass kissing) to PHP, NodeJS, jQuery to Git and OS’ out there. I for one have not contributed to any of them but I try and keep up with what they are doing. I watch the code but I do not feel like I am good enough to contribute but I try. By far my favorite open source project would have to be bootstrap, only because if the path it paved. I have stopped using it a while ago but Bootstrap helped launch modular design and speed up development.

  3. Sean Timm

    I first began participating in open source after getting inspired during a jQuery conference. I have many open source projects in my list of favorites, but I really enjoyed my time contributing to Zurb Foundation! I initially contributed some pull requests for features and was ultimately contacted to work in a support role for users of the Foundation components.

  4. My current favorite open source project has to be Ember (and Ember-CLI). I think the framework is awesome, but the community is even better! Very focused on leveraging other open source initiatives (Babel, Broccoli, Handlebars, etc.), pushing forward standards and best practices (ES6, Web Components, etc.), and makes it easy to get involved with open source. It’s the last point that appealed most to me, as I am fairly new to contributing to open source; I’ve been able to contribute to external add-ons that plenty of people use, while also getting to develop some of my own! Excited to dive deeper into the community.

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