MooTools HTML Police: dwMarkupMarine

We've all inherited rubbish websites from webmasters that couldn't master valid HTML. You know the horrid markup: paragraph tags with align attributes and body tags with background attributes. It's almost a sin what they do. That's where dwMarkupMarine comes in. dwMarkupMarine is a small MooTools plugin you can bring into those awful pages to help highlight the mistakes you need to correct.
The MooTools 1.2 JavaScript
var dwMarkupMarine = new Class({ //implements Implements: [Options], //options options: { tags: 'b, i, u, font, basefont, center, applet, dir, isindex, menu, s, strike, layer, xmp', attributes: 'caption[align!=""], iframe[align!=""], image[align!=""], input[align!=""], object[align!=""], legend[align!=""], table[align!=""], hr[align!=""], div[align!=""], p[align!=""], h1[align!=""], h2[align!=""], h3[align!=""], h4[align!=""], h5[align!=""], h6[align!=""], body[alink!=""], body[background!=""], table[bgcolor!=""], tr[bgcolor!=""], td[bgcolor!=""], th[bgcolor!=""], img[border!=""], object[border!=""], br[clear!=""], *[compact!=""], td[height!=""], tr[height!=""], *[hspace!=""], script[language!=""], body[link!=""], hr[noshade!=""], td[nowrap!=""], th[nowrap!=""], isindex[prompt!=""], hr[size!=""], *[start!=""], li[type!=""], ol[type!=""], ul[type!=""], li[value!=""], body[vlink!=""], *[vspace!=""], hr[width!=""], td[width!=""], th[width!=""], pre[width!=""]', mootools: '*[onblur!=""], *[onclick!=""], *[ondblclick!=""], *[onfocus!=""], *[onkeydown!=""], *[onkeypress!=""], *[onkeyup!=""], *[onload!=""], *[onmouseover!=""], *[onmousedown!=""], *[onmouseup!=""], *[onmouseout!=""], *[onmousemove!=""], *[onselect!=""], *[onsubmit!=""], *[onunload!=""]', checkTags: true, checkAttributes: true, checkMoo: true, custom: [], weapon: 'bad' }, //initialization initialize: function(options) { this.setOptions(options);; }, //a method that does whatever you want search: function() { if(this.options.checkTags) { this.beat(this.options.tags); } if(this.options.checkAttributes) { this.beat(this.options.attributes); } if(this.options.checkMoo) { this.beat(this.options.mootools); } if(this.options.custom) { this.beat(this.options.custom); } }, //tag the baddies beat: function(collection) { $$(collection).each(function(el) { el.addClass(this.options.weapon); }.bind(this)); } });
Here are the class options:
- tags: a string of HTML tags to look for.
- attributes: a string of element/attribute combinations to look for.
- mootools: a string of "on" events to look for. You're using Moo -- there's no need for those.
- checkTags: should the class look for bad tags?
- checkAttributes: should the class look for bad attributes?
- checkMoo: should the class look for "on" event attributes?
- custom: a string of custom selectors to look for.
- weapon: class to tag onto matches.
The Moo 1.2 Usage
//make it happen! window.addEvent('load',function() { var mm = new dwMarkupMarine({ weapon: 'bad' }); });
Do you have any use for this? Any ideas for improvement? Share them!
I think this could be a great class to add on to a CMS. Specifically when your clients are updating the site – If the preview showed invalid markup to be ugly as sin then the client might think twice.
David – amazing work!!!
If only we had a “virus” that could run this on all web pages. Ahhh, the day.
I think Adam, hit it right on the head. This would be awesome for a CMS. You should make the ‘bad’ class a little bit more bad, maybe something like magenta with flashing text.
i love mootools, but why use JavaScript when you can just use CSS to achieve the same goal?
Check out Eric Meyer’s Diagnostic CSS file:
One tag I found sorely missing is embed. Everyone seems to think the way to put flash in is use the embed tag, but its useless and invalid!
You could use this as a bookmarklet too. That’s be neat.
@Philip: I created this using MooTools because I have future aspirations for it, like having a “correct” method that would, for example, replace [b] tags with [strong] tags.
@david: that would be pretty cool. :)