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Create Spinning Rays with CSS3: Revisited
Last December I wrote a blog post titled Create Spinning Rays with CSS3 Animations & JavaScript where I explained how easy it was to create a spinning rays animation with a bit of CSS and JavaScript. The post became quite popular so I...
39 Shirts – Leaving Mozilla
In 2001 I had just graduated from a small town high school and headed off to a small town college. I found myself in the quaint computer lab where the substandard computers featured two browsers: Internet Explorer and Mozilla. It was this lab where I fell...
Incredible Demos
Fullscreen API
As we move toward more true web applications, our JavaScript APIs are doing their best to keep up. One very simple but useful new JavaScript API is the Fullscreen API. The Fullscreen API provides a programmatic way to request fullscreen display from the user, and exit...
Create a Clearable TextBox with the Dojo Toolkit
Usability is a key feature when creating user interfaces; it's all in the details. I was recently using my iPhone and it dawned on my how awesome the "x" icon is in its input elements. No holding the delete key down. No pressing it a...